Centrifugal sieve type OSO

Sieves type OSO belongs to the group of static processing devices applied for fine coal desludging and dewatering. This devices do not use energy, do not need any service and do not emit noise. OSO sieves can be applied for the following technological processes: 

  • For preliminary fine coal dewatering after enrichment in jig,
  • For fine coal desludging before enrichment in jigs and other devices,
  • For concentrated fine coal separation from silting circulation water before filtering and flotation processes.
  • For fine coal classification aiming to pyrites release.

We produce OSO sieves in two executions: as supported or suspended and in three variations: OSO -A, OSO – B i OSO – C. The common assemble for all variations is cone sieve insert, which base diameter (top diameter) signifies also size of the sieve in particular variation. 

The sieves differ from each other in design of guiding trough, application and operating parameters. 

A variation – applied for preliminary fine coal dewatering, for low inlet pressures and needs steady feed inflow. It varies from remaining variations in lack of sieve insert in guiding trough.
B variation – varies from A variation in cone sieve insert mounted in guiding trough (it is guiding wheel). An ability to obtain higher capacity at preserved principal dimensions of device as well as possibility to adjust capacity by partial covering of the sieve insert (guiding wheel).
C variation – differs from B variation in smaller depth of guiding trough and different design of sieve insert (guiding wheel). It is used in sludge grain size classification systems. Higher pressure of the feed inflow is required.
The OSO sieve is composed from the following basic elements: inlet nozzle, guiding trough, sieve inlets (basket and guiding wheel), outer box, solids outlet and filtrate outlet. 



The sieves parameters and basic technical parameters are shown on the drawing and in schedules. 

Designing parameters D1 mm 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200
D1nom mm 200 300 400 500 600 600
D2nom mm 300 450 500 600 600 600
D3 mm 1600 2100 2600 3100 3600 4100
W mm 1280 1480 1895 2364 2800 2950
H mm 810 1010 1290 1654 1865 2070
S mm 1430 1775 2105 2600 3100 3330
B mm 300 410 460 610 610 610
masa kg 820 1100 1952 2210 3100 3410
Technological parameters Operating surface of the sieve 1,4 2,6 4,1 6,0 8,3 10,9
Rated capacity of inlet feeding m³/h 230 260 410 600 830 1090
Minimal head of inlet feeding mH2 O 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,7 2,0 2,4
Parametry Konstrukcyjne D1 mm 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200
D1nom mm 200 350 400 500 600 600
D2nom mm 300 450 500 600 600 600
D3 mm 1800 2400 2800 3400 3800 4200
W mm 1580 1390 1990 2330 2680 2850
H mm 810 1045 1220 1535 1780 1990
S mm 1375 1800 2050 2550 2820 3100
L mm 890 1168 1360 1670 1890 2060
B mm 300 460 460 610 610 610
masa kg 1140 1810 2200 2760 3912 4390
Parametry technologiczne Powierzchnia Robocza sita 1,4 2,6 4,1 6,0 8,3 10,9
Powierzchnia Robocza wkładki 0,9 1,6 2,7 4,0 5,1 5,6
Nominalna Wydajność Zasilania wejściowego m³/h 230 420 680 1000 1340 1650
Minimalna wysokość Spiętrzenia zasilania wejściowego mH2 O 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,2 2,6 3,0



Parametry Konstrukcyjne D1 mm 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200
D1nom mm 200 330 400 600 740 740
D2nom mm 300 450 500 600 600 600
D3 mm 1460 1900 2350 2750 3100 3500
W mm 1240 1550 1950 2250 2550 2850
H mm 830 1080 1270 1495 1650 1970
S mm 1130 1405 1790 2240 2470 2750
L mm 720 920 1095 1160 1510 1732
B mm 320 450 480 610 610 610
masa kg 1115 1290 1960 2450 3195 3736
Parametry technologiczne Powierzchnia Robocza sita 1,4 2,8 4,1 6,0 8,3 10,9
Powierzchnia Robocza wkładki 0,7 1,2 2,3
Nominalna Wydajność Zasilania wejściowego m³/h 200 350 505
Minimalna wysokość Spiętrzenia zasilania wejściowego mH2 O 0,6 0,7 0,9 1,1 1,4 1,7